Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Terrorism in name of religion...

   Children are our dream , the future we see in them. They are the future of any developing nation. And what happened in army school in Pakistan is shocking ,more than shocking its barbaric. So many children killed in name of religion. 
   Sometimes I wonder which religion is this that teaches people to be barbaric . As far as I know Hinduism ,Christianity ,Islam,Sikhism, Buddhism  or any religion can never teach us to harm any other living being. Religion teaches us to love each other, protect each other ,than , what religion do these people follow that teaches them to kill innocent people ? I wonder when they said they were retailiating to an action taken by the army against their family, they  wanted all to feel their pain, have the talibans ever thought about the kind of horrifying acts they have spread around the world ,if their family and loved ones are suffering it is coz of their own action. When they spread terrorism do they realise innocent people are the victims who suffer in their hands, in the same way the barbaric actions of the talibans put their own family and loved ones also to suffer . So if they have to blame anyone , they should blame themselves for the pain their family members suffer and not blame the army for the same.
     I am a mother I know how I feel if my child gets even a small scratch, For me it's unimaginable to even feel what those mothers are going through who have seen their innocent babies dead bodies. Just reading about it has made me a nervous wreak ,what are those kids , who experienced this nightmare going through is something none of us will ever know and pray we never know. I pray that God gives them the strength to face this tragedy though I know that is not going to be possible. These terrorist not just killed those children they have killed the whole family. The children who have survived will have this scar that ,they will carry with them for the rest of their lives, they have made them lose their faith ,coz somewhere humanity also died yesterday. Do they realise they have destroyed the future of their nation with their own hands ? Terrorism can never have any religion , these people are cowards who hide their cowardism behind religion. And people who blindly follow such cowards are bigger sinners and the ones who create such terrorist are the worst kind of human race ,I don't even think calling them human is justifiable.
     An eye for an eye can never be a solution it is the cause of all problems around the world ,and in all this the innocent people are the ones who are suffering. I hope that every nation around the world take firm action against such terrorism and also make sure the ones who protect such terrorist who call themselves protector of their religion should be punished severely.
    I pray for the children who lost their lives rest in peace , and children who survived this tragedy have the strength to be strong again. 
    It's truely said ' The Smallest  Coffins Are Truely The Heaviest '🌹🌹🌹

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Need ur support plsss.


This year for SCMM I have decided to run for a cause. And I am raising funds through the Mumbai Marathon – Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness (CMCA).

In this Season of Giving, I am sure, you have many causes tochoose from and many who will appeal to you, as I am!

CMCA or Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness has been doing unique, path-breaking work for the last 14 years, as one among very few organizations in India which focuses on strengthening citizenship and democracy values in children and youth, through ‘active citizenship’.

At a time when our newspapers are filled with news of women being molested, or threats of radicalisation by political groups, or our open grounds and trees being slaughtered by vested interests, it is ONLY ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP that can save our democracy.

Is our education system preparing our young to put the nation above self and to engage with governance processes to preserve and strengthen democracy? Our current education system is sorely lacking in this area and that’s where Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness (CMCA) steps in.

Our students have filed RTI applications, complained to civic authorities, participated in clean-up drives, spread awareness on issues ranging from Right to Education to voting in elections. A group of students in a government school evenfreed their classmate from a factory and got her back to school!  You can read more such stories of our young “Action Heroes” and more about our work on

Support Active Citizenship!

The Mumbai Marathon of January 18, 2015 is an opportunity for you to support ACTIVE CITIZENSHP and CMCA - an opportunity to be responsive to the urgent need for citizenship values in our nation.

Donations received by CMCA are used for the running of the civic club programme in schools, where it is run free of cost.

All donations raised through the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon are routed through the official charity partner – United Way of Mumbai.

Donating is quite simple.  You may send me a cheque in the name of “United Way of Mumbai” and I shall send it to them.  Alternately, you can donate online through the following link:

I will be highly obliged if u can help me raise funds for a cause close to my heart. Looking forward for ur support. 

  Thank u 


Monday, December 1, 2014

Blame it on the clothes....

     A man slaps Guahar Khan on the sets of  a show ,is an article I read today... It made me wonder ...we always think the older generation would be the one saying wear decent clothes wear covered clothes don't show your body blah blah blah... Not that I blame them ,that was how they were bought up . But here we have a 24 year old man saying this rubbish . We believe this is the new generation with new thinking we live in the new progressed world . We believe this are the generation who believe in change... Now ,this incident makes me wonder ....
   When I was reading the article I really wished I could go and meet this man. I really want to know does he really believe he is sane ? Has he ever heard himself speak ? According to him women in short clothes make boys /men sexually attracted to women and force them to commit crime like rape .they spoil the head of the man. Come on men for God sake stop hiding your perverted minds behind women's clothes. 
   Men always have some excuse ready for their perverted mind . They feel  women who wear short clothes ,wear it only to attract men . It's like we women are so desperate to get men's attention that we have to use such tactics . Seriously perverted minded men stop giving yourself so much importance . Honestly do men even ever know what a women wear . For such men even if a women is fully clad ,she is always naked all ready for him to oogle at and then say the women messed with his mind with her attire. Think about it why are school girls teased ,why women who wear sarees teased they are fully covered ,but still the men don't  spare them . If women's clothes were the reason of rape and Eve teasing then only the ones who wore such clothes would be raped then why a saree and salwar kameez clad girls get raped ? why are small girls raped ?why are babies raped? 
    Sometimes I wonder what would happen if women told men stop looking handsome you are messing with our minds ,stop wearing tight clothes you bring bad thoughts in our minds. After all women are human too they too have the same needs like the men have.. And believe me we too have minds . 
    To all such perverted minded men stop hiding behind women's attire to hide your own weakness and twisted mind . Show your manhood by changing your thinking instead of changing women's appearances ,afterall it should be easy for you. You ARE a MAN.....