Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Why do I run a marathon ?? I wonder

TMM marathon  sometimes I wonder why I run ,not that I am good at it or anything.  When  mom asks me after the run did u win?i feel like laughing ,though I show off and tell her of course I did I got the medal and she is like so happy . But every time I run I feel good about myself I can cross all obstacles and complete my run . Every pain I bear just to see that finish line . And when u finish the excitement of completing takes u to a different level of high which is so bloody intoxicating that u always want more . Everything about a marathon is fun from getting up at the wee hours , excitement of wearing the bib ,walking that long distance to reach the venue , that line for using the toilet , the rush to reach the start point , the wonderful thoughts that run in ur head when you are  running , you go in a world which makes u happy which makes u run which makes u dream of the good times , the cheering of the people who motivate u to just keep running , those cute kids who stand on the road with salt and oranges (I am sure they would never get up so early for school but they stand there for hours for us).those amazing people who give away free hugs , the bands that sing to cheer us all the way and our co runners and our coaches waiting for us at the finish line makes the running experience more exciting ,maybe that is the reason every time we go back to run a marathon again and again . Running a marathon May give u a lot of aches and pains but when u finish that run u feel so proud of itself that u feel chalo all this pains and aches are worth it . But the next day we go back to normal and say how stupid are we to bear this pain and ache and keep saying it till the next marathon comes along and then the story starts all over again 😜😜😜😜