Sunday, June 15, 2014

My daddy bestest always

         My nephew nirvana and aahren age 5 and 3 always look at their dad with so much fascination ,we can always hear them say my dadoo handsome ,soo strong ,bestest . I love fighting with them saying no my dad bestest it's like a competition and more like fun for me to irritate them, but honestly yes it's true for me my daddy bestest ,and actually for every child it will always be my dad bestest.
       My dad is a self made man ,he struggled from childhood ,he came to mumbai city from a small village in mangalore he worked at a hotel doing odd jobs and studying by the night ,he is and will always be grateful  to all the people who helped him in those days. Dad graduated did his labour law also did management course landed a job in a good company and progressed wonderfully from company secretary to the general manager of the company .My dad always says his life is like a miracle ,he says he always believes god always watched over him so he managed to do whatever he did. He worked hard and managed to make a hotel in a city like Mumbai ,whenever he talks about his hotel he always says he still can never believe how he managed to make a hotel but by gods grace and with the help of his well wishers he managed to make this hotel . Rags to riches is the perfect way to describe my dad's life. Dad always says when we see miracle happening we should make sure we spread that miracle and help the less fortunate ,that is the way we can thank god for all he did for you and your loved ones. This is something my dad follows till today. I am so proud of him . At the age of 80 he does his own work doesn't depend on anyone for his day to day work ,touch wood I hope he always remains the way he is. For me my dad is someone who has always protected me ,I always feel safe coz I know he is around me watching me making sure his daughter is safe. Now he is growing older ,there are times when I have to be strict with him for his own good ,life is so funny ,when I was younger dad used to be strict with me ,now when he is growing older I have to do the same. But yes as a daughter my dad will always be the bestest ,strongest, and I hope he is as proud of me as i am of him. For me my dad is king of the kings and no one can ever take his place in my heart.
       So to all the daddy's, daddoos,appa, papa,pitaji ,abba,you are yours child's hero and will always be ,they may not say it but honestly each child believes it in their to all you daddies and would be daddies a very happy daddies day have a love filled heroic day today...

Monday, June 2, 2014

My hometown

       Today was one of those days when I am in flying mode ,had to travel to mangalore my hometown to sign some papers and return back to Mumbai ,funny when I call mangalore my hometown I feel a little confused coz for me mangalore has always been my mom's and dad's hometown.I am born and bought up it Mumbai for me home can only mean Mumbai.
       Whenever I fill any forms i have to call mangalore my hometown actually isn't mangalore more my ancestral hometown . why can't I call Maharashtra my hometown where I was born ,bought up ,married ,had my kids here ,infact my kids are grown here too .yes I belong to a democratic country and I am allowed to move anywhere in India freely ,but still when asked abt my hometown I have to say mangalore.
     Today when I travelled to mangalore I loved everything about the place, the greenery the fresh air the innocence of that place but I couldn't connect to it, I was a stranger to mangalore ,and mangalore was a stranger to me.I was one lost soul there. My parent come here often and when they are here ,they are so happy they recognise every tree ,every path ,every lane ,every person. They have so many memories here while for me there is absolutely no memories here.i know I spent a lot of holidays here in my childhood ,visited every possible temples,for us mangalore has always been all about Puja's and temples and sometimes that really got to me. I know in mangalore I become someone I am not ,maybe that is the reason why I can never connect to this place . For me home will always be Mumbai. My birth place the place I took my 1st step the place I learnt to speak,had my crush ,heart breaks ,education ,marriage ,children. Every memory of mine is connected to Mumbai,the good bad and the ugly. Mumbai is where my home is ,my heart is,wherever I go I will always be a mumbaikar whatever my hometown be..