Saturday, May 10, 2014

An emotion called Mother....

       Ma,amma,aaee,mother,mom mummy,mate,momzie,mama,whatever u call her is irrelevant ,she is one person who is the closest to her child ,a word that is universally loved and cherished by all. When a women becomes a mom she is totally absorbed in that role.she becomes a multi talented person always multi tasking without any efforts. She makes everything look so simple. She is one person who can read her babies mind ,she forget everything else and makes that baby her world.
      Sometimes I wonder how god created a mom,how someone gives up her whole life for other living being. I have realised one thing the word mother is a feeling  ,an emotion that every women has inside her. She doesn't have to have babies to get these feelings and emotion,it's inbuilt in her from the day she is born. This feeling is shown in all stages of her life,when she is a kid ,that feeling is shown to her dolls ,as a sister the feeling is shown to the siblings,the feeling is shown when she is with friends ,lover,husband ,pet ,child actually in everything ,anywhere and everywhere.
      I too am a mother a good one or not am not sure but yes I too am a mom, I chose to be a full time mom for i wanted to be around my babies all the time i wanted to take care of their every need till they can take care of themselves,and believe me it's not an easy task there are many sleepless nights,you have to study all over again with your child,read the same fairy tales again and again ,till it's running in your blood stream,watch them throw tantrums,carry them on your shoulders till every bone of yours is crying with pain,many times u feel you are mentally and emotionally drained,many times u cry yourself to sleep ,thinking your youth is passing by in just cooking cleaning and handling whining babies. And your social life is in a standstill actually u have absolutely no social life,but then everytime u see ur child smiling you are back to action forgetting your own needs. There are times when  your child screams and yells at you saying hurtful things coz you have to be strict with them, the reason behind is to make a child understand the good and the bad,many times I too have fights with my girls as they feel I am always saying a no for something's they want to do, but i wishes the child would understands why the mother says a no,it's never coz she doesn't trust her child,her child is her only precious possession whom she wants to protect from all evils,she knows what nirbhaya's mother is going through,she can understand the pain a mother feels when she could not protect her child,though she understands life cannot stop ,but for a mom her life stops if anything ever happens to her child. Even a small scratch on her child is something the mother cannot bear. Sometimes I too wish my babies would understand me ,understand I trust them more than my life itself,but I know it's very difficult for them to do so, as they would never understand that emotion till they become a mom themselves,till then all babies We will be strict ,stop u ,protect u from all evil..that is our job you hate us for it is totally okay by us..
       There is so much we can talk about the emotion we call mother,but we just cannot compile it in one page or 100 pages. It's an emotion felt by every women irrespective  if she has a baby or not..I hope all of you out there agree with me on this... Anyways let me take this opportunity to wish every woman ,every girl,A Very Happy Mothers Day let's celebrate the lovely emotion that's inside every women that people call  a MOTHER.....

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