Friday, September 26, 2014

Animal pays the price for mans fault

         The other day I got this video of the white tiger attacking the man and it made me think this poor tiger will pay the price of a mans stupidity. We human are supposed to have something called brains which makes us different from animal. Unlike animals god gave us the power to think and use our brains ,but many times I wonder do we humans really use our brains sensibly?
        While watching the video I was wondering what was this man thinking ? 
How could he be so silly as to climb the walls even after being warned by the security personals . The white tiger actually was playing with the man for almost 10 minutes before he attacked the man, if u watched closely the tiger was wagging his tail and was what looked like playing with the man, I always thought when an animal wags his tail he is happy and in playful mood, at least that's what I see with my pet dog. Maybe I am wrong, but honestly I really didn't feel the tiger felt any danger by the man the only reason he attacked the man was when people started pelting him with stones, and it's very natural for an animal to attack to protect itself . While I was watching the video I was really feeling bad for the tiger coz I knew the man died coz of his own mistakes but now this cute animal would pay a price for someone else's fault. He will either be caged and isolated or put to sleep ,as now he is a man eater most unsafe for man . Sad such a beautiful creation of god will be suffering for a mans insanity.
      I still remember when we were younger we loved going to the zoo in Bangalore ,the Banargatta zoo. How I would get excited seeing the tigers and seeing different kinds of birds and animals there. We always made it a point to visit this zoo whenever we visited Bangalore . All our kids always enjoyed the day out in the zoo to watch  these beautiful animals. On  1 such visits we saw some hooligans troubling the animals they were making noise and throwing stones at the animals which was scaring the animals ,we could see the animals getting agitated. My sister and myself were so angry ,we screamed at them and asked them to stop behaving like that even after pleading with them they didn't not listen to us ,we than had to call the security guards ,who made these people leave the zoo. Why are we like that, what pleasure do we get by harming such beautiful animals , it's like we get some sadistic pleasure in doing so . How much noise we make when an animal attack us. Have we ever seen any animal harming us without a reason. Whenever an animal attacks it's always the fault of the man. We either encroach their place or we hurt them and self defence is legal even for human beings.
     Sadly in this incident a man lost his life and the white tiger may lose his freedom to live, freedom of the be with his own kind ,freedom to be in the open and enjoy the nature which is rightfully his to be in.. God bless the white tiger and give him strength to bear the consequences for the mistake of the man yet again...

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