Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Topic for today moral police....

       Mumbai mirror headline "Moral police out again armed with cp's 'new order'. I wonder if all read this article . I know this is a topic that many will have different views . So thought let me share my view . Well firstly I don't think there is anything wrong in hugging in public or holding hands in public and I don't think being in love or being infatuated is anything wrong.
      Well we live in a world with so much hatred around us, so a little display of affection is not bad. Why shouldn't someone who care for each other hold hands and put his or her hand on his or her friends shoulders. Is it really so wrong to hug a friend . We let rapist get away from raping a woman ,we don't say anything when someone teases a girl publicly ,the child molester gets out freely , everyday girls are groped , teased touched ,in every place they go , where are the moral police then. The moral police said they got a complain against the people holding hands or hugging or whatever they were doing ,but sometimes I wonder when a woman is teased or molested where are these people who complain. 
    So if I walk with my husband and hold his hand does that make me do something morally wrong or if my friend who is a man puts his hand around my shoulders with my permission make me lose character person?? We are a group of marathoners after we complete our run we just hug each other with excitement ,at that point none of us think we are man or woman we are just sports people , friends who have the same passion so does that mean people around us have the right to judge us and tag us as morally wrong doers?? Who decides what is morally right and morally wrong? And how do we decide that ? So are we saying a boy and girl ,a man and a woman can never be friends ,if they are together even as friends then people will always tag them as morally wrong doers....hmmmm so soon we should stop coed education and even work places will have to be only for men or only women.....I wonder do we really want to be a part of this kind of morally right society. 
      I agree we do need moral police but for the right reasons ,not reason like holding hands or hugging a person. We need moral police for stopping someone from forcing themselves on others , for stopping an eve teaser, for protecting our children from perverts . We need moral police to protect boys or girls from miscreants and protecting our right .
    I know many may not agree with my view ,but this is totally my opinion and I live in a democratic country so I am as of now allowed to express my view.. If I have hurt anyone with my view then seriously it was not intended ....